
Addiko Bank

Project info




SM Promenada | Novi Sad | Serbia


Addiko Bank | Belgrade


80 m2 gross


80.000 $






Ilja Mikitišin, Igor Mikitišin

Shop no. B125 was designed within the ‘’Promenada’’ Shopping Mall, on the first basement floor. The premises have been enclosed from other outlets by 15cm thick wall of gypsum boards, as well as towards the public walking area with glass panel showcase. There is no toilet at the bank office branch. The purpose of the renovation of premises no. B125 is to transform the premises into an Addiko Bank office branch.

The subject of the project is an adaptation of the office space, in accordance with the conceptual design and layout guidelines of the Bank's policies as well as the Tenants' Manual for the design and execution of works of the Shopping Mall. With the adaptation it is necessary to adapt the existing business premises to the needs of the Bank, all within the framework existing dimensions of space. These design guidelines and framework were obligatory.

During the adaptation of space, a new internal organization of space is formed. They form the following spaces:

- reception area for clients

- counter for two workplaces

- office for the Branch Director

- space for 2 workstations, separated by interior wooden partitions

- digital corner space

- safe deposit box

- archive room

- technical room for rack cabinet, UPS device and protection systems

Design interior elements according to the terms and standards of Addiko Bank. The planned number of employees in the office is 5.

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